Day 2 - Tattler Lake
With the morning rising we awoke and started to get hot water going for some much needed coffee. Which gave us energy to start cooking breakfast, bacon and scrambled eggs! The weather was amazing and the lake was like glass.
A few of my friends could not wait to get back out on the water to start fishing again. While they fished, I stayed back and played some games of euchre and a round of boccie ball with the other campers. We also went for a swim, the walk out is quite mushy and you can walk quite a bit out, with it being shallow. The temperature of the water was amazing, so nice and warm.
After the swim I went on an adventure of the island; it was quite thick of bush after you pass the area of the campsite. There was so much firewood around, with there being a fire ban for the last month. The island was quite large, much bigger than it seems from looking at it at the map. When I got back from checking out the island, I ate some lunch.

We ended up seeing quite a few groups that came from Booth Lake to check out the Tattler Lake Cabin. There was also many groups coming down from the portages from Opeongo River heading towards Booth Lake. There was also a beaver that we saw swimming across the lake.
We canoed out just before dusk to try our luck at fishing, and so I could get some nice pictures of the sunset. When the sun was nearly down, we made it back to camp and started to cook dinner. We ate and hung out around the fireless pit.
The night sky was beautiful and you could make out parts of the Milky Way. You could also see Mars lite up brighter than any star that I could see. I took this opportunity to take some pictures of the stars. From looking at them, my camera picked up a lot more stars than I could see at the time.